Source code for eutils._internal.queryservice

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""provide cached and throttled querying of `NCBI E-utilities

QueryService defaults to returning XML documents only. This behavior
may be controlled upon instantiation by setting default_args.


    # create an instance of QueryService
    >> qs = QueryService()

    # get xml for database info (in this case, a list of available database)
    >> result = qs.einfo()

    # execute a search using an NCBI query against the gene database
    >> result = qs.esearch({"db": "gene", "term": "VEGF AND human[organism]"})

    # get xml doc for gene id=7157
    >> result = qs.efetch({"db": "gene", "id": 7157})


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import hashlib
import logging
import os
import pickle
import time

import lxml.etree
import requests

from .sqlitecache import SQLiteCache
from .exceptions import EutilsRequestError, EutilsNCBIError

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

url_base = ""
default_default_args = {"retmode": "xml", "usehistory": "y", "retmax": 250}
default_tool = __package__
default_email = ""
default_cache_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cache", "eutils-cache.db")

[docs]class QueryService(object): """*provides throttled and cached querying of NCBI E-utilities services* QueryService has three functions: * construct URLs appropriate for eutils endpoints * throttle queries per NCBI guidelines * cache results in persistent cache (sqlite) QueryService works with any valid query arguments, passed as dictionaries. Implemented interfaces: * esearch * efetch * elink * einfo * esummary Implementing other query modes should be straightforward. See also the NCBI's Entrez Programming Utilities Help: """ def __init__(self, email=default_email, cache=False, default_args=default_default_args, request_interval=None, tool=default_tool, api_key=None ): """ :param str email: email of user (for abuse reports) :param str cache: if True, cache at ~/.cache/eutils-db.sqlite; if string, cache there; if False, don't cache :param dict default_args: dictionary of query args that should accompany all requests :param request_interval: seconds between requests; default: auto-select based on API key :type request_interval: int or a callable returning an int :param str api_key: api key assigned by NCBI :param str tool: name of client :rtype: None :raises OSError: if sqlite file can't be opened """ self.default_args = default_args = email self.tool = tool self.api_key = api_key if request_interval is not None: _logger.warning("eutils QueryService: request_interval no longer supported; ignoring passed parameter") if self.api_key is None: requests_per_second = 3 _logger.warning("No NCBI API key provided; throttling to {} requests/second; see " "".format( requests_per_second)) else: requests_per_second = 10"Using NCBI API key; throttling to {} requests/second".format(requests_per_second)) self.request_interval = 1.0 / requests_per_second self._last_request_clock = 0 self._ident_args = {"tool": tool, "email": email} self._request_count = 0 if cache is True: cache_path = default_cache_path elif cache: cache_path = cache # better act like a path string else: cache_path = False self._cache = SQLiteCache(cache_path) if cache_path else None
[docs] def efetch(self, args): """ execute a cached, throttled efetch query :param dict args: dict of query items :returns: content of reply :rtype: str :raises EutilsRequestError: when NCBI replies, but the request failed (e.g., bogus database name) """ return self._query("/efetch.fcgi", args)
[docs] def einfo(self, args=None): """ execute a NON-cached, throttled einfo query einfo.fcgi?db=<database> Input: Entrez database (&db) or None (returns info on all Entrez databases) Output: XML containing database statistics Example: Find database statistics for Entrez Protein. QueryService.einfo({"db": "protein"}) Equivalent HTTP request: :param dict args: dict of query items (optional) :returns: content of reply :rtype: str :raises EutilsRequestError: when NCBI replies, but the request failed (e.g., bogus database name) """ if args is None: args = {} return self._query("/einfo.fcgi", args, skip_cache=True)
[docs] def esearch(self, args): """ execute a cached, throttled esearch query :param dict args: dict of query items, containing at least "db" and "term" keys :returns: content of reply :rtype: str :raises EutilsRequestError: when NCBI replies, but the request failed (e.g., bogus database name) """ return self._query("/esearch.fcgi", args)
[docs] def esummary(self, args): """ execute a cached, throttled esummary query Input: List of UIDs (&id); Entrez database (&db) Output: XML document summary for requested ID(s) [comma-separated] Example: QueryService.esummary({ "db": "medgen", "id": 134 }) Equivalent HTTP request: :param dict args: dict of query items containing at least "db" and "id" keys. :returns: content of reply :rtype: str :raises EutilsRequestError: when NCBI replies, but the request failed (e.g., bogus database name) """ return self._query("/esummary.fcgi", args)
############################################################################ ## Internals def _query(self, path, args=None, skip_cache=False, skip_sleep=False): """return results for a NCBI query, possibly from the cache :param: path: relative query path (e.g., "einfo.fcgi") :param: args: dictionary of query args :param: skip_cache: whether to bypass the cache on reading :param: skip_sleep: whether to bypass query throttling :rtype: xml string The args are joined with args required by NCBI (tool and email address) and with the default args declared when instantiating the client. """ if args is None: args = {} def _cacheable(r): """return False if r shouldn't be cached (contains a no-cache meta line); True otherwise""" return not ("no-cache" in r # obviate parsing, maybe and lxml.etree.XML(r).xpath("//meta/@content='no-cache'")) # cache key: the key associated with this endpoint and args The # key intentionally excludes the identifying args (tool and email) # and is independent of the request method (GET/POST) args are # sorted for canonicalization url = url_base + path # next 3 lines converted by 2to3 -nm defining_args = dict(list(self.default_args.items()) + list(args.items())) full_args = dict(list(self._ident_args.items()) + list(defining_args.items())) cache_key = hashlib.md5(pickle.dumps((url, sorted(defining_args.items())))).hexdigest() sqas = ";".join([k + "=" + str(v) for k, v in sorted(args.items())]) full_args_str = ";".join([k + "=" + str(v) for k, v in sorted(full_args.items())]) logging.debug("CACHE:" + str(skip_cache) + "//" + str(self._cache)) if not skip_cache and self._cache: try: v = self._cache[cache_key] _logger.debug("cache hit for key {cache_key} ({url}, {sqas}) ".format( cache_key=cache_key, url=url, sqas=sqas)) return v except KeyError: _logger.debug("cache miss for key {cache_key} ({url}, {sqas}) ".format( cache_key=cache_key, url=url, sqas=sqas)) pass if self.api_key: url += "?api_key={self.api_key}".format(self=self) # -- if not skip_sleep: req_int = self.request_interval sleep_time = req_int - (time.monotonic() - self._last_request_clock) if sleep_time > 0: _logger.debug("sleeping {sleep_time:.3f}".format(sleep_time=sleep_time)) time.sleep(sleep_time) r =, full_args) self._last_request_clock = time.monotonic() _logger.debug("post({url}, {fas}): {r.status_code} {r.reason}, {len})".format( url=url, fas=full_args_str, r=r, len=len(r.text))) if not r.ok: # TODO: discriminate between types of errors if r.headers["Content-Type"] == "application/json": json = r.json() raise EutilsRequestError('{r.reason} ({r.status_code}): {error}'.format(r=r, error=json["error"])) try: xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(r.text.encode("utf-8")) errornode = xml.find("ERROR") errormsg = errornode.text if errornode else "Unknown Error" raise EutilsRequestError("{r.reason} ({r.status_code}): {error}".format(r=r, error=errormsg)) except Exception as ex: raise EutilsNCBIError("Error parsing response object from NCBI: {}".format(ex)) if any(bad_word in r.text for bad_word in ["<error>", "<ERROR>"]): if r.text is not None: try: xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(r.text.encode("utf-8")) raise EutilsRequestError("{r.reason} ({r.status_code}): {error}".format(r=r, error=xml.find("ERROR").text)) except Exception as ex: raise EutilsNCBIError("Error parsing response object from NCBI: {}".format(ex)) if '<h1 class="error">Access Denied</h1>' in r.text: raise EutilsRequestError("Access Denied: {url}".format(url=url)) if self._cache and _cacheable(r.text): # N.B. we cache results even when skip_cache (read) is true self._cache[cache_key] = r.content"cached results for key {cache_key} ({url}, {sqas}) ".format( cache_key=cache_key, url=url, sqas=sqas)) return r.content
if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) qs = QueryService() r = qs.einfo({"db": "protein"}) r = qs.efetch({"db": "protein", "id": "319655736"}) # <LICENSE> # Copyright 2015 eutils Committers # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express # or implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # </LICENSE>